International Symposium on
Advanced Techniques of Sampling Gear and Acoustical Surveys for
Estimation of Fish Abundance and Behavior

OCTOBER 20-21, 2000
in conjunction with
PICES IX Annual Meeting

Sponsored by
Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences
Hokkaido University

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Oral Presentaion Guidelines(PDF) Poster Presentation Guidelines(PDF) (Oct.12)
Paper Format(WORD) (PDF)
Note to Contributors(PDF) Abstract(under construction)
The place for the Symposium(Oct.12)


Sampling and acoustical techniques have been used extensively to study aquatic populations. These methods and tools provide valuable information to fisheries biologists as well as to ecologists dealing with ocean ecosystems. This symposium will review and discuss new analytical techniques, new technologies, and their innovative implementation for fish stock assessment or ecological research.

Date and Venue

The symposium will be held October 20-21, 2000 in Hakodate, Japan, concurrent with the PICES Ninth Annual Meeting at Future University - Hakodate.
OCTOBER 20-21, 2000.
Future University - Hakodate
Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan

Organizing Committee and Co-Convenors

Dr. Masahiko Furusawa(Tokyo University of Fisheries, Japan)
Dr. Suam Kim (Pukyong National University, Korea)
Dr. Richard D. Brodeur (NFSC / NOAA, USA)
Dr. Alexander Nikolaev (TINRO / Russia)
Dr. Denis D'Amours (FOSD / DFO, Canada)

Major Topics

Call for Papers

Contributed papers are welcome on all relevant topics in sampling gears and acoustical techniques for stock assessment or ecological research. Contributed papers will be selected for oral or poster presentations. The language of the symposium is English. The session includes invited lectures, oral presentations, and poster presentations. The time allotted for oral presentations including discussion is 20 minutes. The maximum size for poster presentations is 115~90 cm.


All interested persons are free to attend the symposium. Participants should send the REPLY FORM on the back of this sheet to the symposium secretariat by Fax or E-mail by July 31, 2000.

Abstract Submission

Abstracts should be submitted to the secretariat by E-mail with Fax (or Ordinary mail). The deadline for receipt of abstract is July 31, 2000.

Abstract Format


All of full papers to be presented in the symposium and, if they are submitted in time (the first day of the symposium), will be included in the "Electronic Proceedings" which will be distributed to authors and related Web sites worldwide. The charge of the "Electronic Proceedings (CD-ROM)" is 5,000 Yen including postage. The authors will receive instructions for full paper submissions.

Accommodations and Travel Information

Participants are encouraged to make their hotel and flight reservations with the Japan Travel Bureau (JTB). If you are attending the PICES official meetings, you can reserve the hotel with special rates. We recommend that all participants register with the PICES IX Annual Meeting before August 31, 2000. Please locate detailed meeting information through the PICES Home Page (

About Hakodate

Hakodate is a port city on the south end of Hokkaido Island, which was the first opened to international trade in Japan. Surrounded by the grandeur of nature and imbued with exoticism, Hakodate is one of the most prominent tourist cities in Japan.

Important Dates

More Information

Request for additional information and registration for our mailing list should be directed to the symposium secretariat:
c/o Prof. Kohji Iida
Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences Hokkaido University
Hakodate, Hokkaido, 041-8611, JAPAN
Tel:81-138-40-8852, Fax:81-138-40-8854

Related site

Pusan Workshop in 1997
Acoustic Survey Club