Improvement in bottom detection for research of demersal fish using hydroacoustics DooJin Hwang, Kohji Iida, Yoshimi Takao, Yoichi Miyanohana, Kouichi Sawada and Tsuyoshi Okumura Ebidai, Hasaki, Kashima, Ibaraki 314-04, Japan The bottom detection is very important for defining an integration layer with the bottom as a reference basis during acoustic survey of demersal fish. Therefore, we have considered theoretically elements which form bottom echoes, and have devised a stable bottom detection method namely maximum differential voltage method, which was not influenced by variable levels and waveform transformation. The method has been shown to be effective using in-situ bottom echo waveforms and computer simulation data. A comparison between near-bottom SV profiles acquired in Funka Bay Hokkaido of Japan and East China Sea, with the threshold method and maximum $)C differential voltage method is 4!-6 dB higher within 2 m from the bottom.